Raising Your Game From Hobbyist To Master

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It’s been a hard, strange and frustrating 2020 for Fitness Businesses.  COVI-19 has forced you to change the way you operate.  You’ve had to adapt and evolve quickly in an uncertain environment, and unfortunately, just because you’re surviving now, it doesn’t mean to say you will in the near future.

The entire fitness landscape has shifted; people’s buying choices have changed and competition has risen.

If you are still in business give yourself a massive pat on the back, because many didn’t make it through the forced lockdowns.  For some, COVID-19 was a great reason to jump anyways.

For others, COVID just exposed the holes and weak points in their business which lead to their decline.

The world is still reeling from the impact of COVID and we probably won’t have our feet back on the ground properly, or running full businesses until 2021 (or even later!).  That means NOW is the time to think about how you want to be operating in the future.

It’s a great time for reflection.

In this value packed episode with Rahz Slaughter we jam on these points as well as how to become a Master Trainer (not just a hobbyist).

Rahz is a badass business coach for boutique gym owners where he specialises in 3 key area’s, sales, marketing and customer service. Rahz is also an author of the bestselling book “the one hour trainer’, athlete and all round great human.

Enjoy the show!


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The One Hour Trainer Book

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