Hi, I'm Nardia.  I help Health, Fitness + Wellness Pros grow their female-focussed online education empire.

J-Lo and Ben Affleck kicked off Round 1 of their relationship and I upgraded to a 3rd generation IPod. 

It was also when I started my first Personal Training business at Les Mills World of Fitness, Dunedin, NZ.

Between then and now I have had the privalege of working in all aspects of the Fitness Industry and the online business space.  

I have taught thousands of students, trained hundreds of clients, coached amazing humans and travelled the world. 

There have been multiple successes, failures, high fives and missteps. 

These days I help people monetise their expertise online.

Two decades ago, Queen Beyonce dropped her solo track Crazy In Love (tttuuunnneeee).

Does this sound like you?

Are you staring down the barrel of the next decade wondering what you're going to do?  You've spent years honing your craft, and you love it, buuutttt you want more time and freedom.

Does the idea of going online intrigue you (or even excite the hell out of you) but you've got no fkn idea where to start?

Want the kind of business clarity that makes you think “faarrrkk yyaass!!?”
Want Beyonce-like confidence to quit undervaluing your services?
Want the exact tools and strategies to transition online?
Want less ‘fluff’ and more impactful, actionable steps?

Well friend, let me help you out ...

Multi award winning Trainer + Speaker
Education Provider
Creator of Australasia's first Female Health + Performance certification for fitness professionals
International Speaker
International Educator
Awarded Australian Personal Trainer of the Year 2014

Awarded Filex Presenter of the year 2019

Named an Australian Institute of Fitness Industry Legend 2017*
I have spoken at some of the most prestiges fitness conferences worldwide such as Filex, Fit Ex, IDEA, CanFit Pro
 I have educated + certified personal trainers in Nth America, Canada, Aus, Nz, SE Asia and Great Britan

Cool Stuff I've Done

* "legend" - if that's not the coolest title then I don't know what is




Daughter Kaia +Hubby Mike


Almond Croissants


Masters Hockey

My Current Obessions

Smart training, great conversation, family time, rest, experiences, making memories, wealth, staying curious, personalisation, standing up for what's right, beach, martini's, hiking, reading, good humans, making your own rules, backing yourself, online business, high performance.

Fitness BS, absolutes, fitness hustle culture, comparison, sameness, playing small, denying yourself, superficial people, gossiping, when people try to make cauliflower into pizza base (just no), creepy crawlies, putting others down.

✌️Am here for

👎 Not here for

Feel me?  If so, we're gonna get on great

I bet you've got some questions

“So, Nards.
Do you actually get it?”

I see you. I know you. Because I was you.

$2k borrowed from mum? Check. Starting my own PT biz at 22? Check. A 1 week course to learn everything about business. WTAF.

But, in true Nardia fashion, I dove in head-first – it was trial by fire. Rookie errors out the wazoo. From attracting and converting clients, to tracking income to writing programs and delivering them. Can you relate?

I made massive mistake after massive mistake.

I still make mistakes, and I'm Ok with that. 

You'll never not make mistakes.  Learning how to keep moving forward in despite of your mistakes and set backs is what separates successful people from others.

“There’s heaps of Mentors?Educators/Consultants out
there. Why should I choose you?”

Good Question

For the last two decades I’ve studied, discovered and unlocked strategies from multiple disciplines to help you.

I’ve mentored, educated and trained thousands of people – so they can achieve what they want, create thriving businesses and step into what success means to them. And you can too.

I have a down to earth approach to most things, I like to get it simple and doable. 

I don't know everything, but I will do my best by you. 

“Are you legit?”
(imagine this is a movie montage moment.. cue music ...)

⚡ I’ve built multiple 5 + 6 figure successful businesses
⚡Grown a community of over 20k women in fitness
⚡Managed one the biggest PT teams in Australia
⚡Subject Matter expert for the Australian Institute of Fitness (for Cert III and IV)
⚡Educated trainers for AIF and PTA (Personal Training Academy)
⚡Guest lecturer for BTN Academy UK (teaching on Menstrual Cycle and PCOS)
⚡Keynote addresses for Fuel Summit and Fit EX NZ
⚡Been presenting at conferences since 2007

But the most legit thing I’ve achieved of all? Sparking ‘a-ha!’ moments in my powerful clients. Seeing them hit milestones they didn’t think were possible. And stepping into their brilliance.

[ps I'm degree qualifed, BPhed, completed Post Grad papers in Sports Medicine and Masters Level Sports Performance, have a Diploma MT, completed a gazillion industry + online biz trainings and have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in continuous learning]

“So do you coach on biz stuff or the technical side of training like exercises, hormones etc..?"
Friend I do both.

 I'm what you call polyjamorous and I absolutely adore learning (yes, I'm that nerd who's constantly researching, learning and figuring shit out because it lights me up).

I believe to have an epic, successful business you must wear multiple hats. The business owner of today is across:

* the technical side of your craft
* marketing, sales, branding, copy writing and social media
*why people buy

It's freaking cool to bring all of this together and apply it to your business. So, in short, I teach on the things that help you make the biggest moves in your business.

[Also, you get to do business on your terms, so if you want to be multi-passionate, embrace it]