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If something happened to you, and you had to be absent from your business would it be ok? What would happen?  Would you lose clients, income and freak out, or would it tick over relatively unscathed?

I asked my community these questions not long ago, as I  announced my (unplanned) pregnancy (oops) and found myself in a position where I had to re-think ALL of my 2020 plans.

I had 2020 all mapped out and was looking forward to having a huge year in business, but well, the universe has other plans for me, and so I found myself having to pivot hard!

Universe to me:

Me to Universe:

Fortunately, I had intentionally set my business up in a way that allowed for flexibility and freedom.  I don’t want to be in a position where my business owns me; a slave to it and the people I help.

That’s why I have always had multiple sources of income (or different revenue streams).  If one stream dries up or doesn’t do well I have others to get me through.

When I was a Personal Trainer I definitely did NOT have this.  In fact, I didn’t even know what this meant!  If I was sick, or couldn’t train my clients my income was impacted.  This made it difficult to go on holidays, take time off in general to build out my business and I certainly didn’t have a buffer if a big life event got in the way (such as this).

From the responses in my community it’s clear that many trainers are like old me.  That’s why in this episode I’m sharing with you 8 big ideas to help you create more income streams for your business.



[00:06:14]  The difference between thinking like a trainer and thinking like an fitpreneur

[00:07:23] The 3 key big themes to apply to your business

[00:09:23] The number 1 thing you must do to run a successful business  this decade

[00:19:00]  Income stream idea #1 (check out the ‘How To Transition Your Fitness Business from 1:1 to a Semi Private model here)

[00:21:14]  Income stream idea #2

[00:24:37] Income stream idea#3

[00:26:38] Income stream #4

[00:31:08] Income stream #5

[00:38:45] Income stream #6

[00:41:12] Income stream #7

[00:44.00] income stream #8



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